This film was produced by young carers and young crew from The Reporters’ Academy. This NHS England event hosted in December 2015 was run to share good practise, and challenge professionals to ‘work together to make a difference’ to carers. This film asked young adult carers and professionals some of the following questions:
- What is a Carer?
- Why do we chose to care?
- How do professional services support carers?
- Is there enough recognition and support for young carers?
- What do you think when you hear ‘young adult carer’?
- What are the challenges that face carers?
- What would you do for Young Adult Carers if you had a magic wand?
Thanks to photographer Max Alexander and The Children Society for giving permission for our production team to feature his wonderful exhibit ‘Hidden’ which showcases young adult carers’ experiences.
Young Carer looking for support? Get in touch on NHS England’s dedicated email address