I am excited to say that I will be doing another portrait series of young carers, this time in Ontario in 2018 – for Hospice Toronto and upcoming Toronto Hidden exhibition. I have been in Toronto on a pre-production trip and attending a young carers forum in Ontario. Today is Young Carers Awareness Day – January 25th and let’s get a better deal for these young people!

Dena Maule of Hospice Toronto, Janet Beed, Institute of Health Policy, young carer’s luminary Jenny Frank, and young carer Abigail from The Powerhouse Project.
On Thursday 25 January, it is Young Carers Awareness Day 2018. This is a special day to raise awareness of the work that young carers do. A young carer is someone who has to look after parents or siblings who can’t always care for themselves because of illness. Hundreds of thousands of children in the UK are considered to be young carers.
Read more on this BBC Article